Please don't do this to a Brunello! Snow in Montalcino today

Much to the childrens’ delight we awoke to snow this morning and for the time being are “trapped” on the property. It is a little early in the morning for alcohol but later today I will be making this to warm up us  adults....


1 litre of red wine ~ 1 litro vino rosso
100 gr. of sugar ~ 100 gr zucchero
a few cloves ~ alcuni chiodi di garofano
a stick of cinnamon ~ una stecca di cannella
a bit of nutmeg ~ un po' di noce moscata
half lemon, half orange peel grated - scorza di mezzo limone e mezza di arancia

Bring all ingredients to a low boil & add the sugar. Once the sugar is dissolved - lower flame. Filter or strain. Serve warm & enjoy!
Bollire fino a quando si scioglie lo zucchero, levare dal fuoco e filtrare con una tela bagnata. Servire caldo.


Neve a Montalcino... non fare questo ad un Brunello!


Rosso del Palazzone tasting today!5.30-8pm Tribeca Wine,40 Hudson St.NY