Il Palazzone

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Feel like educating your nose? Wine Tasting Lessons in Montalcino!

Sensory Tasting Experience

 As humans we can decipher a myriad of scents independently of whether or not we are able to name them.Smell is the one sense that goes straight to the brain and we all know the power of an olfactory flashback, yet it is often the most ignored of the senses. Red fruit, blackberries, leather, forest floor, cat pee, violets, licorice, caramel, green apple; the list of more or less obscure aromas that may be hiding in a glass of wine seems endless and intimidating. Why not embark on a mission to educate your nose? The good news is, we can learn and establish connections, it’s just a question of practice. It is never too late to start your sensory memory bank.

The aim of a Sensory Tasting is to do exactly that; to extend and explore your capacity to perceive different scents and name them so that they can be retrieved when required. The "lesson" takes two hours and participants explore a range of scents, and put them in context regarding grapes, wine and wine making techniques before venturing to taste and describe wines in an exciting new way. They are organised by Vino Vistas and are conceived for groups of 4 to 10 people. The fee is €35 per person which includes the tasting of 4 wines. For booking and/or more information, please contact or call: Tel. + 39 342 793 63 44