Il Palazzone

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A moveable feast in Montalcino

Next weekend the four quarters of Montalcino are holding a moveable feast with a course at each of their headquarters, rooms usually absolutely unaccessible to the general public. Starting at 7pm, guests can eat their starter at Quartiere Ruga before ambling to the Borghetto for a first course, stopping off for a main at Travaglio and pudding at Pianello. This Cena Itinerante is a fabulous way to discover corners of Montalcino that are normally off limits for all but the most tenacious non-locals. Food will be excellent, as it always is, and the fact of wandering the backstreets of Montalcino, digesting in between courses and listening to live music seems like the ingredients of a great and memorable night out.Book at the Quartieri headquarters from 5pm on the day.