Budbreak at Le Due Porte

Today the first buds appeared which signal the start of the vine's annual growth cycle. In Italian they are called "gemme" - which also means jewels.

Where the vines have been pruned you can see that they are weeping or bleeding. This occurs when the soil begins to warm and osmotic forces push water, containing various substances, up from the root system of the vine. This water is then expelled from the cuts (or "wounds") left over from pruning the vine. I have read that during this period a single vine can "bleed" up to 5 litres of water...

The first "gemme" always give me the feeling of being perched at the top of a rollercoaster, ready for the plunge. Within weeks there will be leaves and then walls of foliage, tendrils, grape clusters and bunches and everything else that has to happen before harvest in October.


Easter lunch thanks to two unlucky octagenarians


Hard graft on a Sunday