Benvenuto Brunello 2019 in Montalcino


Fancy getting to grips with 2014 Brunello? Tickets can be bought for Benvenuto Brunello in Montalcino (16, 17 and 18 February) via the Consorzio website  - and do consider lodgings near the city centre . Bear in mind these wise words from Italian wine blogger @dobianchi regarding the unexpected customer value of challenging vintages, keeping an open mind and supporting smaller wineries. Of course there are always jewels to be found in every vintage. As a starting point, here is a list of some 2014 Brunellos that showed extremely well in a recent tasting in Rome. 89 wines, 23 tasters and 10 2014 in the top twenty.... you're welcome! We did not produce this vintage (see here and here) but I am looking forward to doing some tasting myself next month.


Long Live Brunello!


On not producing Brunello 2014