A new #Montalcino app - a must-have for Brunello lovers!

If you are planning a trip to Montalcino or want to indulge in some virtual wandering, stop what you're doing and download this app here or directly from the Consorzio del Brunello homepage. No one need get lost ever again trying to get from one winery to another and certainly planning multiple visits will become infinitely easier. One of the more interesting features to me is the chance of being able to see to which estate a vineyard belongs when one is physically on site.As part of the 50 year celebration of the Consorzio del Brunello (or the Brunello Producers Alliance, a term I am officially stealing from Bruce Sanderson with all its Star Wars echoes), the app has all sorts of information regarding producers, the vineyards themselves and the plan is to supplement with restaurants, walking paths and much more.  The app was created by Montalcino-based Copernico and according to Marco Antoni, represents a ground-breaking digitalization of the area. I am looking forward to trying it out this weekend, in spite of the conspicuous absence of Il Palazzone in between San Lorenzo and Pietroso. Much to my embarrassment it turns out that I missed the email invitation thus ensuring exclusion. This will soon be rectified. Buon divertimento!


2013 Lorenzo & Isabelle Recipe Pairing featuring Scott Conant Test Kitchen


Making memories: private sunset tastings in Montalcino