Montalcino: a model melting pot

Montalcino news has just released details of the latest cultural head-count in Montalcino. The number of nationalities has gone up to an astonishing 51 in our community of just 5.278 inhabitants.In spite of the increased influx of stranieri - in 2011 we numbered 783 and in 2012 825 - the actual number of Montalcino residents is still waning overall. The town is down 16 people down from last year which must be due to the high incidence of elderly ilcinesi.The country-to-country breakdown is listed in the article in Italian here. Maybe it’s just me, but the numbers are intriguing; I am particularly struck by the 24 female Bulgarians and their 3 male counterparts....The unimagined effects of the advent of the DOCG for Montalcino's gene-pool have yet to be researched.

Directed by Emily Oberman | Pentagram NY. The band teamed up with Emily and international children's charity organization The Global Fund For Children https:...


A suggested food and wine pairing from Vancouver chef Umberto Menghi


L’Epifania tutte le feste si porta via: one more family meal, a witch and back to work